Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oasis of the Seas Inside Tour Video

Still a little story about Oasis of the Seas Interior - the largest cruise ship in the world, I've just found a video in Youtube that can guide us into the inside parts of the cruise ship where we can see the Oasis of the Seas rooms and everything about the ship. The tour into the Oasis of the Seas starts from the harbor where it was berthing. There were a lot of people (probably visitors) walking towards the ship. The superstructure of the Oasis of the Seas cruise ship was painted with white color with rows of life boats were positioned hanging below the sides the main deck. The roofs that covers the boats were painted with yellow. There were also rows of cranes standing along the harbor. Perhaps they are used for the loading and unloading of cargoes. Before entering the hull of the ship, the cameraman aimed his camera to the hanging life boats. I can see that the submerged hulls of the boats look like catamaran. This hull form is ideal to increase the speed of the boat although its hull is wide. Catamaran hull form significantly improves the propulsion performance of the boats.

Inside the Oasis of the Seas, we can see rows of seats arranged in semi circular forms. Perhaps it is a theater. It is interesting to see that the naval architects who designed the ship created skylight that enables sunlight to penetrates the main deck and brighten the interior of the Oasis of the Seas. Such arrangement greatly reduced the electrical consumption of the ship for lighting during the days but is not a common feature that we usually saw in old cruise ships. Skylight is usually found above the engine rooms of small cargo ships.

I am amazed to see that the inside hull of the cruise ship is more spacious with a lot of public spaces for passengers to socialize or interact one another while traveling around the Caribbean islands. Big window glasses secured in triangular frames several decks high above the main deck are really a brilliant design concept done by the naval architects. Triangular frames are more stable to be implemented to the ship because they are more resistant to shocks and vibrations that the Oasis of the Seas will experience during the whole life of her sea voyages. The conventional approach of putting the cabins as close as possible to the center line of the ship is not seen in this cruise ship. Passenger cabins are positioned on both sides of the ship leaving a hollow open space in the middle of the ship for the skylight and park. Such placement of the cabins enables the sunlight to enter the rooms from both sides.


Well, that's some of my comments concerning the interior of the oasis of the seas that are more dominated by curve lines. It's really a wonderful and amazing man-made floating structure. This video is really a nice tour for anybody who has not been traveling with this beautiful ship. After watching the video, you might be interested in finding cruise deals for your next summer vacation on board the Oasis of the Seas. One thing that you need to keep in mind, during the current economic crisis, that you should not buy tickets if your financial condition is not really good. Don't try to charge the cost of your holiday vacation on your credit card if you are not able to pay off your debt. Taking a cruise holiday can be good if you have enough money to do it and you will not be burdened by more debt after returning home from your holiday in tropical islands. by Charles Roring

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