Friday, January 7, 2011

Kalasan Temple

Kalasan Temple
Indonesia Java international DestinationKalasan Temple (also known as Candi Kalasan or candi Kalibening) is an 8th century Buddhist temple located 13 km east of the Yogyakarta on the way to Prambanan temple, right on south side of main road 'Jalan Solo' between Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Indonesia. The temple stands on square 14.20 meters sub-basement. The temple plan is cross-shaped 12 corners polygon. Each of four cardinal points have stairs and gates adorned with Kala-Makara and also have rooms measured 3,5 square meters. No statue is found in the smaller room facing north, west, and south; but the lotus pedestals suggested that the rooms once contains statues of bodhisattvas. The temple is richly decorated with buddhist figures such as bodhisattva and gana. The Kala Face above the southern door has been photographed and used by a number of foreign academics in their books to give an idea of the artistry in stone by Central Javanese artists of a millennia ago. Niches where the statues would have been placed are found inside and outside the temple. The niches adorned outer wall intricately carved with Kala, gods and divinities in scene of svargaloka, celestial palace abode of gods, apsaras, and gandharvas. The roof of the temple is designed in three sections. The lower one are still according to the polygonal shape of the body and contains small niches with statues of boddhisatvas seated on lotus. Each of this niches is crowned with stupas. The middle part of the roof is inoctagonal (eight sided) shape. Each of this eight sides adorned with niches contains statue of a Dhyani Buddha flanked by two standing boddhisatvas. The top part of the roof is almost circular and also have 8 niches crowned with single large dagoba. The octagonal aspect of the structure has led to speculation of non-buddhist elements in the temple, similar to some interpretations of the early Borobudur structure.
The temple is facing east, with eastern room also served as access to main central room. In the larger main room there is lotus pedestal and throne carved with makara, lion, and elephant figure, similar to the Budha Vairocana throne founds in Mendut temple. According to the Kalasan inscription, the temple once houses the large (probably reaching 4 meters tall) statue of the Boddhisattvadevi Tara. By the design of the throne, most probably the statue of the goddess was in seated position and made from bronze. Now the statue is missing, probably the same fate as bronze Buddha statue in Sewu temple, being looted for scrap metal over centuries. On the outer wall of the temple found the traces of plaster called vajralepa (lit: diamond plaster). The same substance also founds in nearby Saritemple. The white-yellowish plaster was applied to protect the temple wall, but now the plaster has worn off.
The temple is located on archaeologically rich Prambanan valley. Just a few hundred meters north east from Kalasan temple is located Sari temple. Candi Sari most probably was the monastery mentioned in Kalasan inscription. Further east lies the Prambanan complex, Sewu temple, and Plaosan temple.

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