Monday, February 15, 2010

Indonesia Java International Destination, Kenjeran Beach

Indonesia Java International Destination
Kenjeran Beach,  Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Indonesia Java International Destination, Beach Fun Park Kenjeran which a  location adjacent to the beach Kenjeran in  Surabaya city, East Java, Indonesia . In the Park Kenjeran you can directly enjoy the beautiful sea water and sea breeze. Beach Fun Park Kenjeran want to pamper the visitors by providing facilities for leisure park, while you spread the mat under the shade trees you can feel the cool coastal air and you can also enjoy special food of Surabaya. Because this is one of tourist attractions in Surabaya that many of visitor. Play facilities provided for child and daughter to feels nice holiday in the beach Kenjeran Ria.  Not enough to enjoy the beautiful sea coast only from the boat but you can enjoy the beauty of the sea and the island of Madura from the boat or you can play the sea shore.
Indonesia Java International Destination
Kenjeran Beach Pendopo
Indonesia Java International Destination
Kenjeran Coast
Another facility available at the beach Ria Kenjeran for having a hobby to play above the waves and swim you can try the sport of surfing was challenging enough. Surabaya traditional foods and beautiful souvenir-souvenir from Surabaya is also provided here.

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