Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wayang Golek

Wayang Golek Art is wood dolls performed with engraved Sundanese characteristic. This show is doing in night beginning from 10.00 pm to 04.00 am in the morning. It tells about Ramayana by Valmiki or Mahabrata by Vyasa. Wayang Golek often show in circumcision or wedding celebration. In its growth, the show of Wayang Golek also often performs in institute or birthday institute celebration even.

Before the decade of 80’s, Wayang Golek Show still performs in country society, home backyard or in the opened yard (it was arranged so that the audient could watch and felt enjoy). Now, after the decade of 80’s, Wayang Golek Art has able to perform in hotel or show building and can be directly watch or hear from television or radios periodically.

Wayang golek show is performed by a puppeteer called dalang with an ensemble of gamelan music. The show is usually performed in the evening and typically lasts for about six hours. Originally, wayang golek used to be performed only at thanksgiving, harvest parties, and ceremonies to ask for God’s protection from evil spirits. Now it is also performed at wedding receptions, circumscision ceremony, company’s unniversaries, and other social functions.

The stories at wayang golek performance are typically dirived from the Hindu-Indian epics of Ramayana and Mahabarata. However, they have been adapted to the local Sundanese Moslem wisdom and values.

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