Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beautiful Tempe Lake


Tempe Lake is a lake in Central Sulawesi, and the third-deepest lake in the Indonesia. The lake contains silver and yellow eels and two endemic fish species, Adrianichtys kruyti and Xenopoecilus poptae.

The town of Pendolo is situated at the southern end of the lake, the town of Tentena is located at the northern end, while a number of smaller villages dot the shoreline. The lake drains into the Poso River at Tentena, which flows into the Moluca Sea at the town of Poso.

A park containing wild orchids is located near the village Bancea on the lake. As well the forests surrounding the lake still provide rare sightings of the anoa (dwarf buffalo) and the babirusa (literally, pigdeer), a ruminant pig. These two endangered species are among a number of wildlife species found only on the island of Sulawesi.

Once the lake was 30,000 hectares in area and 10,000 meters deep. Now, Tempe is never larger than 10,000 hectares and shrinks to 1,000 hectares with a maximum depth of two meters in the dry season.


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